Friday, March 28, 2008

I enjoy the hunt...

I know everyone always wants to get down to the juicy parts either when they read a story or when they watch a movie. They want to see the characters, either in their mind or on the big screen, shed all the clothes and get down and get dirty.

For me while the sex parts are great I always enjoy the chase. The hunt for a new lover. I'm not talking one night stand, but a lover. When it's a the hunt for a lover the chase is always exciting. There's exchanged looks perhaps in a hallway of a college or maybe it's by the donuts every morning at the local 7-eleven.

There's that tension of talking to the attractive person who's been on your mind since you first saw her and the anticipation of her possibly talking back. For men I'm sure all of that just drives them absolutely nuts, they want to get down and get dirty immediately even if it is in the middle of the 7-eleven! For women though, or more accurately for this woman the hunt is all a part of the foreplay.

Playing a tad hard to get just adds to the final climax when you finally do the dirty deed. It's erotic and exciting. Too bad the hunt doesn't last a little bit longer.

Anyone want to hunt me?

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